Restore your property with professional Orlando pressure washing! We specialize in cleaning residential and commercial asphalt, concrete, and more.
From parking lots to driveways, Excel Paving Services provides expert pressure washing in Orlando to remove dirt, stains, and debris.
Get A Free Estimate On Sealcoating
At Excel Paving Services, our expertise in asphalt maintenance has taught us the importance of keeping surfaces clean, safe, and protected. While our pressure washing department is newer, we bring the same dedication to quality and attention to detail that has earned us a trusted reputation in paving maintenance. From parking lots to driveways, we use professional-grade equipment and proven techniques to deliver exceptional results for both residential and commercial properties.
At Excel Paving Services, we know great service starts with clear communication. From your initial call to the final rinse, we keep you informed throughout the pressure washing process. Whether we’re cleaning driveways, sidewalks, or parking lots, our goal is to restore your property’s appearance while providing a hassle-free experience. You can trust us to treat your property with care and deliver results you’ll love.
When you choose Excel Paving Services for pressure washing, you’re partnering with a team that truly cares about your satisfaction. Our owner is involved in every project, ensuring no detail is overlooked and that each job is completed to the highest standard. We approach every property as if it were our own, making your satisfaction our top priority.
At Excel Paving Services, we’re proud to offer professional pressure washing services to keep your property looking its best. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, our team is here to help with everything from driveways and parking lots to exteriors and roofs. Using top-of-the-line equipment and techniques, we remove dirt, stains, and grime to restore and protect your surfaces.
Make your driveway look like new with our professional pressure washing services. We remove dirt, oil stains, and grime, leaving your driveway clean, fresh, and safe for everyday use. Let us help boost your home’s curb appeal with a spotless finish!
A clean parking lot creates a welcoming first impression for your customers. Our pressure washing services remove built-up dirt, grease, and stains, improving safety and enhancing the overall look of your business. Trust us to keep your lot fresh and inviting.
Give your home’s exterior a facelift with our professional pressure washing services. We safely clean away dirt, mildew, and algae, restoring your home’s beauty while protecting its surfaces. A clean exterior means better curb appeal and a fresher look for your property!
Keep your business looking professional and inviting with our exterior pressure washing services. We remove dirt, stains, and weathering from walls, sidewalks, speed bumps, and entryways, helping your property stand out. Let us help you make a great impression on every visitor.
Bring your pavers back to life with our expert cleaning services. We wash away dirt, grime, and moss, restoring the vibrant look of your patios, walkways, or driveways. Protect your investment and keep your pavers looking beautiful year-round.
Extend the life of your roof and improve its appearance with our professional roof cleaning. We gently remove dirt, moss, and algae, keeping your roof clean and protecting it from damage. Let us help maintain your roof’s durability and curb appeal!
Izzy was great to work with on getting my website up and running. He was honest and upfront about what he could do for me. He delivered on time and answered all of my questions. I wouldn’t hesitate to use him again. Jake Harper2024-01-15 Izzy built my website and I couldn’t be happier. With his experience and expertise, I organically ranked on the top of the first google search page in a matter of a couple of months. Income stream more than doubled. He is kind, patient and a wealth of knowledge. I can’t say enough good things about the experience as a whole! SEO is as good if not better than I expected. Matt N2024-01-11 They have done a great Job with my website and marketing for my business. I would highly recommend! Marc Payne2024-01-10 Since working with Israel my local business’s website has been doing very well on Google. Top of the map pack and climbing on the search. This is in Calgary, a city of over one million people. I knew nothing about SEO and Israel made it very clear what I needed to do. Now I must say I’m pretty good at SEO. Thanks for your help and expertise boss! Meeks2024-01-10
You’re just 4 simple steps away from making your surfaces look brand new with our expert pressure washing services!
Reach out to us to discuss your pressure washing needs. Whether it’s your driveway, parking lot, or building exterior, we’ll schedule a convenient time to assess your property and understand your goals.
After evaluating the surfaces to be cleaned, we’ll provide a clear, detailed estimate. This includes the cost, timeline, and recommended services tailored to your specific property.
Our skilled team uses professional-grade equipment to safely and thoroughly clean your surfaces. From removing dirt and stains to restoring curb appeal, we take care of everything with precision and care, ensuring no detail is overlooked.
Once the pressure washing is complete, we’ll review the results with you to ensure your satisfaction. Payment is simple and hassle-free, and we’ll share tips to help maintain the fresh, clean look of your property.
Fill out the quick form below to schedule a no-pressure, no-obligation quote on the cost of our Orlando pressure washing services.
Need to contact us right away? Call Us: (352)832-7556
or simply fill out the form below.
Ready to restore your property’s clean, polished look? Excel Paving Services offers professional pressure washing in Orlando for driveways, parking lots, exteriors, and more. Contact us now for a free estimate and let us help you keep your property looking its best!
Who We Are
Excel Paving Services is your trusted asphalt maintenance company in Central Florida, proudly serving all surrounding areas. Our expert services include parking lot striping, new construction striping, ADA-compliant signage and striping, sealcoating, asphalt patching, and crack filling. With over 25 years of industry experience, we deliver top-quality results you can count on.
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Hours Of Operation
Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday – Closed
Service Area